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Casino Game Tips |
This tips guide should increase your possibilities of winning at the most popular online casino games.
It is proven but doesn't mean it will always work.
The most important thing to learn about playing blackjack, is to learn basic strategy. Basic strategy was created by using a computer simulation of millions of blackjack hands. One of the first blackjack simulations was done by Julian Braun of IBM.
Basically, these computer simulations showed the mathematical probability of improving the blackjack hand or beating the dealer, by a certain playing strategy. In other words, telling the blackjack player what action he or she should take (hit, split, double-down, etc.) for each and every possible card combination.
The important thing to remember is that nearly all basic strategy rules are indisputable in the long run, the finite nature of mathematical science dictates that a particular playing decision, based on the player's cards and the dealer's exposed card, will yield a predictable outcome after millions of hands of play.
On the left hand column is the total of the cards you have in your hand and the proper playing strategy based on the dealers up card.
Your Hand
Dealer's Upcard
Double on 5 to 6. Otherwise hit.
Double on 2 to 6. Otherwise hit.
Double on 2 to 9. Otherwise hit.
Always double.
Stand on 4 to 6. Otherwise hit.
13 to 16
Stand on 2 to 6. Otherwise hit.
17 to 21
Always stand.
Ace & 2 to Ace & 5
Double on 4 to 6. Otherwise hit.
Ace & 6
Double on 2 to 6. Otherwise hit.
Ace & 7
Double on 3 to 6. Stand on 2,7,8 or A. Hit on 9 or 10.
Ace & 8
Double on 6. Otherwise stand.
Ace & 9
Always stand.
Ace & Ace
Always split.
2 & 2
Split on 3 to 7. Otherwise hit.
3 & 3
Split on 4 to 7. Otherwise hit.
4 & 4
Same as 8 above.
5 & 5
Same as 10 above.
6 & 6
Split on 2 to 6. Otherwise hit.
7 & 7
Split on 2 to 7. Stand on 10. Otherwise hit.
8 & 8
Always split.
9 & 9
Split on 2 to 9 except 7. Stand on 7,10 or A.
10 & 10
Always stand.
The above chart assumes the casino doesn't allow doubling down after pair splitting.
If the casino allows doubling down after pair splitting then use the following pair splitting rules.
Your Hand
Dealer's Upcard
2 & 2
Split on 2 to 7. Otherwise hit.
3 & 3
Split on 2 to 7. Otherwise hit.
4 & 4
Split on 4,5 or 6. Otherwise hit.
6 & 6
Split on 2 to 7. Otherwise hit.
7 & 7
Split on 2 to 8. Stand on 10. Otherwise hit.
If you stick to this strategy when playing blackjack with a single deck, you should gain back some of the advantage that the dealer has.
Good Luck
First of all, play European Roulette, not American Roulette. The American Roulette wheel has an extra slot, 00, which slightly decreases the odds of winning. If you are given both options, choose European Roulette to increase your likelihood of winning.
The following strategy is mathematically proven to work. It is simple to deploy. Winnings are slow, but you are winning rather than the usual losing.
The most importantly part of this strategy is to ensure you always have enough money to bet with after losing
If you do lose all your money, you can come back with more money and start from where you left off.
Double up
If you are betting on black versus red or odd versus even, then try the following strategy: each time you lose, double up the amount that you bet the first time and then bet on the same color until you win. This is called the Martingale Strategy.
For example, let's say you bet £5 on red and it lands on black. On your next turn, bet £10 on red so that you can win your money back and make a profit.
If it lands on black again, double your amount again, betting £20 on red. Continue doing this until the wheel lands on red (which it inevitably will), to win your losses back and gain a profit.
Start off by betting the minimum amount that your table allows. Remember that some tables have a maximum amount you can bet, meaning you may reach the maximum before you see a win.
This strategy requires that you have enough money to be able to afford doubling up each time.